Visiting In-Laws

You love your in-laws, but sometimes they can drive you up a wall.  They’re in town for 3 days - today is day 3, and you are starting to go insane.  You need to get away fast, so you devise a crafty plan: “why don’t we all go wine tasting today” you suggest…

Saturday 8/25


Arrive at Shadow Springs with your extended family.  While your in-laws are distracted by all our fun gift stuff, tell everyone that you’re getting a call - it’s your boss so you better take it. After a few minutes of mumbling, tell your family that there is an urgent problem at work which requires your attention. Tell them to go on tasting without you, that you’ll work from Chuck’s office and catch up with them later. Before they have a chance to protest, turn away and yell something into the phone.  You did it, you’ve escaped.



Sneak outside, where your buddy is waiting in his car and head over over to WRC Distillery for the 12pm tour & tasting.  Lucky for you, our NC distillery lobbyists managed to convince the state to pass a bill which allows you to buy as many bottles of liquor from us directly as you want!  You may need more than just one to get through tonight!



Time for lunch.  Odds are, your unsuspecting in-laws are over at the Shilo General Store eating lunch and admiring the beautiful Amish furniture.  You should probably just grab a sandwich from the local Subway.



Continue your vacation by circling back to Shadow Springs, where you and your friend can take a load off and drink some wine (or margarita wine) in peace.



It’s time to say goodbye to your friend and rejoin the rest of your family over at Windsor Run. But the world looks a little brighter now, and you’re ready to tackle the final evening before your in-laws leave town tomorrow morning.
